w/Jim Cornette

the Hart Foundation
w/Owen & the Bulldog, Warrior & Brutus

The Match:
'Welcome to the jungle' starts to play, and fog starts billowing out of the entry way, right behind the fog comes Demolition. They are dressed completly in their studded leather clothing. As they walk down to ringside some fans reach out to touch them, and both men, push the fans back, hard, smacking some.

Jim Cornettes comes down with Demolition, carrying a chair and tennis raquet and sporting a new or DIFFERENT suit.

JR: That suit isn't as bad as the LAST one.

Bam Bam: Pay-Per-Views are SPECIAL occasions for James E!

When they get to ringside, Cornette sets the chair up in Demolition's corner. Cornette steps up to Demolition and has a quick talk with them, pointing to the curtains and motioning for Demolition to strike!

The Hart Foundation's music begins to play! Bret and Anvil come out, dressed in their singlets and ready to go! The Anvil is carrying a bag filled with something. They both wear gloves! The Anvil's appear STUDDED!

Demolition reaches under the ring... and pull up BALL BATS!! The Harts hit the ring... and Demolition CHARGES!!! Cornette runs for cover!!!

Ax smacks the Hitman with the bat, knocking him to his knees!!! Smash nails the Anvil in the gut with the bat... but doesn't take him down!

The Hitman fires back with a wicked right hook that staggers Ax. Smash tosses his bat down and HEADBUTTS the Anvil in the head with his studded black mask!!!


Bam Bam: The ref's gotta get control! This ain't a STREET FIGHT!!

Smash starts battering down the Anvil with his leather studded gloves!! Ax and the Hitman go at it with their gloves!!

JR: ALL the gloves are loaded!! Even BRETS!!!

Ax grabs the Hitman and throws him to the outside, then climbs through after himi. Smash, meanwhile, picks up the Anvil... and SLAMS him down!!

Ax takes Bret by the arm... and slings him around... sailing him crashing into the French announcer's table!!!

Up in the ring, referee John Pinnette gets Smash to remove his extra gear... and takes the weapons from the Anvil, too.

Cornette: HEY! I thought it was NO DQ!

Pinette: It's not a street fight! That stuff's gotta GO!

Smash pulls the Anvil up by the goatee... but is punched hard in the face! At ringside, Raymond Rougeau has run for cover! Ax picks up the Hitman... and SLAMS him onto the table!!! He then gets up on the apron... and SPLASHES the Hitman... THROUGH THE WOODEN TABLE!!!

Atlantra comes up behind Jim Cornette and taps him on the shoulder. He looks suprised to see her for a moment... then he asks her to sit down in the chair he has set up at ringside. She does.

Up in the ring, the Anvil is starting to pummel back on Smash! He punches him in the head, then whips him HARD to the corner!! The Anvil charges in fast... AND EATS A PUNCH!!!

Cornette starts adamantly directing traffic! He tells Ax to get up onto his corner.... and then has Smash tag him in! They do!

They both stand over the Anvil... and AXEHANDLE HIM DOWN!!! Then they hook the Anvil in a front face lock... DOUBLE VERTICAL SUPLEX!!

Cornette claps his hands! The Hitman finally pulls himself away from the carnage at the French station and hobbles to his corner.


Cornette then slides a chair into the ring. Ax picks up the Anvil and prepares to dump him down on the chair!! The Anvil grabs the ropes and rolls to the outside, to catch his breath. The Warrior and Owen are there, offering him encouragement.

The referee finally gets everyone free of their weapons. Cornette doesn't seem happy about that.

Smash gets back to his corner... and the Anvil slides back into the ring! Ax and he hook it up!!! The Anvil gets a RAKE to the EYES on Ax... then a PUNCH!!! The Anvil heads over... and TAGS BRET!!!

The Anvil whips Ax to the ropes and throws up a high clothesline. Ax ducks beneath it and comes out behind the Anvil. The Hitman leaps up for a dropkick... and Ax.. PUTS THE BRAKES ON!! Bret crashes down to the mat!!

The Anvil turns and leaves... grabbing something from under the ring!!!

JR: Keep one eye on the ANVIL!

Bam Bam: He's up to no good! I like it!


Cornette: TAG! TAG!

Ax tags in Smash and pulls up Bret by his arm. Smash grabs the chair...and Ax sends Bret for the ride toward Smash... NAILED IN THE GUT WITH THE CHAIR!!!

The Anvil pulls up from under the ring... HAND CUFFS AND A BILLY CLUB!!

JR: The Anvil's at it again! He's got some dangerous things there!

Bam Bam: In the hands of the Anvil, COTTON CANDY is dangerous!