Ax and Smash send Bret to the ropes... they each grab an end of the chair and rush in. Bret flies off the ropes... and hits a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!! Ax and Smash go down!!!

Bret pulls Smash up by the arm and wrings it around. He whips him to the turnbuckle and waits on him to stagger out... where he hits... A NECKBREAKER!!!

Cornette waves for Smash to roll from the ring and he helps him out. Cornette fans him off with his tennis raquet. Bret stands at the edge of the ring, waiting for Smash to return.

Meanwhile, Ax has gotten up from the double clothesline. He sees the Anvil fiddling with his weapons... and he charges in at him!!! The Anvil looks up... and CRACKS him on top of the head with the BILLY CLUB!! Ax stumbles into the corner, holding his head. The Anvil grabs his arm... and HAND CUFFS him to the top rope!!!

JR: Is that... can he?

Bam Bam: This won't last... but what can you do... DQ HIM?

Smash rolls into the ring at Bret. The Hitman is ready... but not for an UPPERCUT TO THE GROIN!!! He doubles over in pain, dropping down on his side! Smash rolls back to the outside... and CLEARS OUT THE SPANISH COMMENTATORS!!! Smash grabs the table... and THROWS IT INTO THE RING!!!

Smash climbs in with it... and pulls the Hitman up.

Cornette realizes what the Anvil has done to Ax!

Cornette: HAND CUFFS!? Get them OFF-A there!!!

The referee shrugs frantically!! Cornette is beside himself!! The Anvil hammers Ax in the corner with the billy club!!! He gets in and slams it into his ribs!

Smash has the Hitman...and is ready to bash him into the table!! Bret rakes Smash's eyes at the last second... then spins around and PUNCHES Smash in the head!! Smash leans forward... Bret hooks him... SNAP SUPLEX!!!


The referee moves to investigate! Bret reaches into his tights.. and tosses him the key. The ref moves in to free Ax.

Bret hits the ropes... and LEG DROPS SMASH.. nobody HOME! Smash gets up and he and Bret hit the FISTICUFFS!!!

Ax is freed!!! The Anvil runs at him... but is ELBOWED in the face!! Ax throws him aside...and moves to help Smash!

Ax comes up behind the Hitman... scoops him up... into a PRESS SLAM!! Smash starts to go to the top rope....

JR: They're going for the WRECKER...

Bam Bam: ON THE TABLE!!!

Bret kicks his feet and drops down safely from the press slam! Smash leaps at the Hitman and CRACKS him with a flying elbow on his head. Ax hoists him up AGAIN in the Press slam...

Smash goes to the top rope....

Bret AGAIN kicks his feet and drops down next to Ax... SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!!! He kips up to his feet.... Smash leaps with a double axehandle....

Bret hooks his arm... ARMDRAG TAKEDOWN!!! The Anvil comes back up and at Ax. Ax DELIVERS A LOW BLOW!! The Anvil falls back into the corner in pain!!

Ax then turns at Bret, who has an ARMBAR on Smash! Bret releases the hold and kicks at Ax. Cornette yells in for them to DOUBLE TEAM!!! Demolition collects themselves under Cornette's direction... and they start FLAILING at the Hitman!!!

The Anvil comes charging... and Ax batters him back with a punch.

Ax then turns and kicks the chair a bit with his foot, then flips the table out of the way. Smash grabs the Hitman... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX ONTO THE CHAIR!!! Ax hits the ropes... BIG ELBOW DROP!!!

Smash pops up and rushes at the Anvil... DOUBLE AXEHANDLE!!! Neidhart is knocked clear from the ring!! Ax presses down on Bret's chest for the lateral press... 1... 2... 3...!!!

JR: Demolition WINS!!!

Bam Bam: Dok predicted THAT one!!!

JR: Demolition is AWESOME! And with the guidance of James E. Cornette... they could be on their way to the GOLD!

Ax takes the mic.

Ax: Piper, we have won now, and we have earned our ranking, and thus title shot. If Owen and Davey want a match for the number one contender slot, they will have to do it on OUR TERMS!! We want a NO DQ, Pinfalls Count Anywhere match! That seems fair to us. Unless the great Davey Boy and the Rocket are scared!?

He tosses down the mic, and he and Smash spit down on the Harts and walk out with Jim Cornette and Atlantra.

The Bulldog and the Warrior help Neidhart as Owen and Brutus help up the Hitman. Bret and Neidhart are both unconcious, sweaty, and slightly bloody.

JR: We'll have to wait on Owen and Davey's response. This is a challenge you have to THINK OVER!

Bam Bam: Matches like that can END your career!! I've NEVER seen a TAG team, pinfalls count anywhere!

JR: We may within the next week!

Bam Bam: Let's wait on Davey and Owen's response!

JR: Right now... I have a BIG interview to get to!