JR: Well, Bam Bam. Even though Shawn has already wrestled here tonight, I'd have to say the match IS fair. Remember... JoBo is wrestling INJURED!
Bam Bam: That's exactly RIGHT. And as a big guy like he is, let me tell you, it ain't easy to move a lot of weight around on an injured frame.
JR: I can relate to that! Let's head up to the ring!
Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels
w/Sarah D.
The Match:
JoBo's music plays and he walks through the curtains quickly. He has no expression on his face. JoBo seems wary as he walks down to the ring. He gets into his corner and waits for his opponent.JR: Take a look... NO ZOBO!
Bam Bam: Yeah, he's still smartin' from Taylor Tech bashin' on him.
Shawn's music kicks in and the fans cheer! He comes down the aisle, posing for the fans. He slaps hands and gets the crowd worked up! He slides in as his fireworks go off overhead!
JR: What a feat it would be for Shawn Michaels to win FOUR matches in one night!
Bam Bam: No single wrestler has done that since Hulk Hogan won, I think... FIVE matches at WrestleMania I!!!
The bell rings. Shawn dives in at JoBo's leg... but is knocked back with a CLOTHESLINE!!! Shawn falls to his back! JoBo leaps... AND SPLASHES DOWN...
...on top of Shawn's upraised knees!!! Shawn kips up and runs at JoBo... AND BOUNCES OFF OF HIM!!!
JR: JoBo must go a good 450, by the look of him!
JoBo leaps again for a SPLASH... NOBODY HOME!! Shawn kips up and JoBo lumbers up to his feet. Shawn throws... SWEET CHIN MUSIC... JoBo DUCKS!!! He drives Shawn down to the mat and SQUASHES him under his mass!!! The ref gets down to count...1.... 2... Shawn gets a shoulder up just barely!
JoBo sits up.... and Shawn rolls aside and gets to his feet. Shawn stomps at JoBo's leg and takes him down to his back. Shawn hits the corner... backs up... and does a FLYING ELBOW DROP on JoBo's knee!!! Shawn hooks the leg....
1... 2... JoBo powers his way out!!!
Bam Bam: That's a lot of humanity to try to pin!
Both wrestlers get up to their feet. JoBo gains the upperhand with an ATOMIC DROP!! He then wraps his thick arms around Shawn's waist... and GUT WRENCHES HIM UP... AND DOWN!!! JoBo hits the ropes.... LEG DROP ACROSS THE CHEST!!! THE FANS GASP!!!
Bam Bam: An old favorite of mine! The LEG DROP!
JoBo hits the ropes again and runs at Shawn... who amazingly KIPS UP TO HIS FEET!!! JoBo bares down on him... Shawn hooks him... ARMDRAG TAKEDOWN!! THE FANS GO CRAZY!!!
JR: ARMDRAG!! I think that took a lot out of Shawn as well!
Bam Bam: Positively!
Both wrestlers lay on the mat for a few moments before stirring. They both reach their feet at the same time. JoBo gets behind Shawn.... and hits a BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!!! He then pulls Shawn up and spins him around.....
THE MIRNYY DRIVER... Shawn spins behind JoBo and lands behind him! JoBo turns... and Shawn... SNAP MARES HIM OVER!!!
JR: Shawn can't match POWER with JoBo... but he's using his head and using LEVERAGE!!
Bam Bam: I HATE leverage!
JoBo gets up to his knees... and Shawn... HITS A NECKBREAKER!! The ring QUAKES as JoBo's massive body bounces in the center.
Shawn lifts him up to his feet... ROUNDHOUSE KICK!! JoBo staggers back a bit, holding his head.
Shawn gets in the corner and starts stomping his foot on the mat.... quicker and quicker... the fans stomp their feet along with him. JoBo stumbles forward and Shawn gets ready....