JR: Anybody recognize that voice? Who WAS that?
Heart Attack: It sounded familiar.
Sarah: I DON'T CARE about that voice! (looks at Pillman) What's he talking about... the Empire people in the Network? There ARE no Empire people in the Network!
Pillman: YOU'RE the news-woman... YOU figure it out! Read the WEB pages. All you have to do is go on the WEB SITE and look around! It's right there... plain as DAY! Huh... 'NEWS-WOMAN'! You couldn't carry a story if it had handles on it!
Sarah: I BROUGHT IN DIESEL! And I am NOT Empire!
Pillman: WELL WHY DO YOU BLAME ME???? WHY DOES EVERYBODY BLAME ME? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! <bleep><bleep>ing <bleep> and <bleep><bleep><bleep><bleep> that <bleep>!!!
JR: NOW CALM DOWN! You're gettin' ME mad... and that takes a LOT!
Heart Attack: Chill out JR, your face is turning red!
JR: I'm sorry. I apologize.
Sarah: Sorry, JR.
Pillman: You need to apologize TO ME!!!
Sarah: I'm tired of the Empire trying to make ME look BAD!
Heart Attack: HEY! HEY! HEY! JEEZ! Everybody thought me and YOU were going to be arguing!
Pillman: Yeah, we're on the same side on THIS one!
Heart Attack: No... I understand what she's saying. I DOUBT there's anybody in the Network that's from the Empire. I think the Giant is blowing hot air.
Pillman: Uh-huh! And you guys were worried about Perfect a few months back. Don't tell me they're not worried, still about their OTHER members that they always forget about.
Sarah: We weren't worried about Perfect!
Pillman: Madusa had talked to Perfect. He told her that you were WORRIED!
Heart Attack: Well, all that aside... if the Empire DID find a way to interfere in this match, it might be too late. Most of them have matches earlier and they may not be able to MAKE it to this match!
Pillman: You didn't LISTEN to the Giant did you? We don't NEED to interfere! That stipulation serves US! We're the ones that get cheap-shotted!
Heart Attack: The Empire hasn't needed to in the past, but that still didn't stop you!
Pillman: We have NEVER interfered on the Giant's behalf for him to win a match!
Heart Attack: Well that's true.
Pillman: That's VERY true. And do you think for one second that Diesel can stand up to the challenge of the Giant? Nope. It's OVER! NEW World Champion!
JR: I tend to think the Giant IS a force to be dealt with. He can't be Jack-Knifed! He can't be CHOKE-slammed. He can't be BODY-slammed. And Diesel is STRONG! But I think Diesel has more of a reason to fight this match. Diesel doesn't have to BEAT the Giant. The Giant still has to win. And I don't think he can do that.
Sarah: The Giant is NOT going to win.
Pillman: Now WHY do you say that?
Sarah: Because Diesel is going to be able to handle him with no problem!
(Pillman makes kissing butt sounds.)
Pillman: You're a BUTT kisser. Plain and SIMPLE! Can't you call it down the middle? You say you're a broadcast journalist? You haven't made one good point all night... except...(mocking her) 'Oooh...he's gonna win.. because he's a GOOD guy.... or he's NETWORK!'
Heart Attack: Oh PLEASE!
Pillman: What do you mean? I can be FAIR! Diesel won't be an easy match for the Giant. It'll be his toughest challenge YET! I think the Giant can win. But it won't be like Sarah says about Diesel... (mocking her again) 'He'll handle him with no problem'. BULL<BLEEP>!!!!
Sarah: Oh, YOU'RE neutral?
Pillman: You're AN ASS-KISSER!!!! Let's see... why did you pick Roxanne to win!?
Sarah: Because Roxanne has MORE at stake!
Pillman: So does Harlem Heat... but you picked the Road Warriors! You're an ASS-KISSER!
Heart Attack: YOU'RE a GREMLIN!
Pillman: YOU'RE the DEVIL!
Heart Attack: Yep! And I've got the HORNS to prove it! And I'm going to have an even BETTER costume fo WrestleMania! I have to put all of this on the lighter side of things, because it's really making me very nervous!
JR: Alright now... there's a lot of celebrities comin' to WrestleMania. Arnold will be there to see his favorite team in action... the Road Warriors! Harlem Heat will have Coolio, putting on a performance. Also Alannis Morrisette will perform. Pam Anderson will be with Double J. Looks like Jackie Chan may make an appearance. Howard Stern to be at the broadcast table. Michael JORDAN! There may be more! All the stars will come out! It's going to be a HUGE card! March the 30th... Chicago, Ill. WrestleMania IV. I'm gonna be there... and I can't wait to see it.
Heart Attack: Should be AWESOME! This is the most celebrities we've ever had at ANY WrestleMania! And I got a FREE PASS!
Sarah: It's going to be a GREAT card!
Pillman: Absolutely! It's going to be the BEST pay-per-view card I've ever seen! The WWF has out-done themselves again!
JR: That's about it! We'll see you in Chicago!