----------------------------------------------------- PART EIGHT

The Warrior pulls up Stevie by the hair... and flings him to the ropes. Stevie comes barreling in on the Warrior... and is caught... in a POWERSLAM!!! The Warrior rises up... ELBOW to the back! Again he gets up... KNEE DROP to the back! Stevie grips at his back, calling out in agony.

The Warrior DROP PUNCHES the back... then looks around at the fans... and SIGNALS for the PRESS SLAM! He pulls Stevie up...

JR: He may be going for it NOW!

Stevie RAKES the Warrior's eyes! The Warrior staggers back... and Stevie dives into him with an elbowblock!!! The Warrior looks BLINDED!

Sarah: I think his MAKE-UP was smeared into his eyes!

Stevie pushes the Warrior back to the ropes... and THROUGH the ropes!! The Warrior crashes on the outside. Stevie follows... and lifts up the apron. He reaches under the ring... and pulls out a wooden table!

The ref is counting at both men....

Stevie sets the table up alongside the ring. The Warrior groggily stands, wiping at his face, pulling the paint away. Stevie leaves the table and grabs the Warrior by the back of the head.... and DRIVES his face into the ringpost! The Warrior staggers back... and Stevie lets him stumble back to the table... where he flips him up onto it.

The referee continues his count. Stevie gets back into the ring.... bounces off the opposite side... and runs toward the ropes on the table's side.

Stevie leaps up and OVER the top rope... and CRASHES DOWN ON TOP OF THE WARRIOR, SNAPPING THE TABLE IN HALF!!!

JR: OH MY LORD!!! WHAT A MOVE!!! They may not beat the count!!!

Sarah: They may not!!!

Both wrestlers lay there for a moment amidst the remnants of the splintered table. The ref continues his count. Stevie grabs out and reaches the bottom rope... and he begins to pull himself back in.


JR: Did he make it in? TIME LIMIT DRAW?

Sarah: Maybe a DOUBLE count-out!

JR: Or a disqualification of some kind!

The referee.... RAISES STEVIE'S HAND!!!! Turn This Mutha Out starts to play!!! The fans BOOOOO!!!!!!

Announcer: The winner of this bout... as a result of a COUNT-OUT.... STEVIE RAY!!!!!!

JR: WOW! I'd call that an upset!

Sarah: A count-out IS a win! But I don't think this is over yet!

JR: Stevie will meet the winner of tomorrow nights match between Sting and Bret Hart!

Sarah: The FINISHING Maneuver match on Raw!

JR: Speaking of Bret... Just give me a moment to head up to the Interview Stand... and I'll have the Hitman come out... and tell us all about it!