Vader slams the Taker into the apron... then turns toward the casket. The Creatures of the Night respond as they see the Undertaker's head come up from the apron, flipping his hair back and rolling his eyes into his head! He turns to Vader, who has his back turned...

He grabs Vader by the back of the head... AND SLAMS HIM FACE FIRST INTO THE CASKET!!!

Howard: I thought you were supposed to OPEN their lid... not put their HEAD through it!

Vader turns and forearm smashes the Taker in the head! The Taker is stunned. Vader pulls him in... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! THE FANS GASP AT THE IMPACT!!!

Vader climbs up onto the apron... and pulls himself up to the top!



Vader flips up and over... AND THE UNDERTAKER SITS UP! NOBODY HOME!!! Cornette covers his face as Vader is nearly splattered on the thin mats! From the entryway, a group of individuals comes down... it's Phoenix... and five ninjas dressed all in gold. They leave Seeress' gold cage at the entryway.

The Undertaker stands up and begins to open the casket... but Phoenix and the Ninjas come down and distract the Undertaker, who makes a move towards them. Vader begins to get up... he's on his hands and knees.

The Undertaker turns back to the casket as Tyr makes her way around the ring. Paul Bearer follows. Vader dives in... AND KNEE CLIPS THE UNDERTAKER!! The Taker drops as Tyr backs the Rebirth away with her broadsword.

The Taker is on his back... his eyes are closed!! Vader, seeing this... AGAIN begins to climb up to the top!! He pauses...not seeing the Undertaker's eyes flicker open! Vader flips back... AND MOONSAULTS ON TOP OF THE UNDERTAKER'S UPRAISED LEG!!!! THE FANS ARE CHEERING AS JIM CORNETTE IS NEAR TEARS!!!

The Undertaker rises up and flips the lid of the casket open!!! The fans cheer as the Undertaker pulls up Vader by his mask! He flips Vader head first toward the casket! Vader grabs on to the casket and the lid and refuses to be pushed in. The Taker tries to drive him again... but Vader blocks!

The Undertaker bashes Vader with a chop. Vader retaliates....WITH A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX INTO THE CASKET!!! The lid is knocked closed! Vader stands up and flips it open. But eerily... THE UNDERTAKER SITS UP! The Taker slides into the ring. Vader slams the lid shut and rolls in after him...

Howard: What do you have to do to keep this guy down? He should be DEAD!

JR: He IS dead!

As Vader rolls in, the Undertaker assaults him with his second breath! He smashes Vader, then begins to front elbow block him as hard as he can! Paul Bearer yells out for the Creatures to rally behind the Undertaker... AND THEY DO!! Vader is getting battered in the ring! Phoenix, at ringside, can't believe his eyes! Tyr cheers the Taker on!!!

The Undertaker bashes Vader on top of the head with another elbow shot! Vader drops down to his knees! The Undertaker motions for the Tombstone! The Creatures rise up! The Undertaker moves in on Vader...

WHO KNEE CLIPS THE TAKER AGAIN!!! The Undertaker drops down, clutching at his already hurt knee! Vader swiftly mounts the top rope... VADER BOMB!!!! The crowd roars in sympathetic pain! Vader gets up again! The Undertaker is just barely moving! Vader goes to the top... MOONSAULT VADER BOMB!!! IT HITS!!!

The Undertaker looks OUT! Vader throws him from the ring and toward the casket! He flips open the lid... AND STUFFS HIM IN!!! The Taker isn't moving! Vader reaches up and grabs a hold of the lid....

The Taker still doesn't move! Vader....

SLAMS THE LID SHUT!!! The refs call for the bell!!! VADER'S MUSIC PLAYS! Cornette grabs the I/C title from the table!!! Vader howls out at the fans, who are booing! Then... WHACK!!!

It's RAZOR! He has a steel chair! HE WHACKS VADER ACROSS THE BACK!! Vader doubles over! Razor pulls Vader in for a Razor's Edge! He hooks him... BUT CAN'T LIFT UP THE 450 POUNDER!!! Razor sets him back down, holding his back. Vader charges Razor and slams his arms on both sides of Razor's head! The Bad Guy drops down, hurt bad.

Vader looks around: WHO'S THE MAN!!!??? He snatches up the I/C title from Cornette and leaves. Minutes later, Razor gets up. He reaches out to slap the fans hands... but no one reaches back. Razor is booed out of the arena. He stumbles out, holding his head.

JR: I can't BELIEVE Razor would do this! He was really turning it around in the fan's eyes... then this!

Howard: But the fans HATE Vader! I don't get it!

JR: Attacking with a chair... behind his back!? AFTER a grueling match! That's not good sportsmanlike-conduct! Razor will get his, I'm sure!

Howard: Let's take a look! That Amazon woman doesn't look too happy...

The Rebirth is rejoicing as Tyr kneels down in shock and disbelief.

Tyr: No... no way...

The Ninja's begin to cart away the Undertaker's casket... and then... the lights begni to flicker!


The crowd cheers.


The crowd goes NUTS as the lights go out! A voice is heard...

Undertaker: Creatures...of the Night...A passage in the Bible states "As stern as death is love. Relentless as the netherworld is is a blazing fire" The fire withen me is so must be so to destroy the flames of hell that Phoenix portrays. I am the eternal flame of life...that can not be extinguished...the existance...of which can not be explained...the answer my everlasting spirit. Your "Rebirth" can not conquer I shall fight The Rebirth...with my rebirth... Tyr...please...remember me...I shall always be with you in spirit...I...shall...protect you...always...I...will not peace....................

The lights go back on and Phoenix is cackling evily.

Phoenix: Rebirth for a dead man such as you is not possible! Rest in the eternal abyss of Hell!

Tyr: You...evil...SON OF A BITCH!

(Tyr charges through and heads right for The Phoenix with her broadsword. The Phoenix sees this in time and ducks out of the way with the first blow. The Rebirth drops the casket and tries to restrain Tyr to no avail. Two of the ninjas get horribally cut.)

(During the struggle... THE SENSEI arrives!!! He appears amidst the chaos... and GRABS the Tone of Slavery!!! The Phoenix makes a motion for someone to stop him... and a golden Ninja pursues. The Sensei leaps over the barricade. The Ninja runs in... but comes face to face with... A SECOND SENSEI? This one has a canvas bag over his shoulder which he THROWS at the Ninja! It FLOORS HIM!!!

(Two more Ninjas rush in as the second Sensei leaps over the barricade and disappears also. They pursue... and from the chaos... a THIRD Sensei appears! This one slams a crescent kick into one of the Ninjas, knocking him back into the other! The third one rushes out, following the other two... AND the Tone of Slavery!)

(Tyr comes at the Phoenix, meanwhile... The Phoenix stands right in front of the casket and Tyr dives for him with the sword. The Phoenix dodges... and her sword goes right through the casket. Tyr stands there shocked at what she has done. As Phoenix laughs)

Phoenix: Thank you so much, my rosebud! Now forget the past and join us once more!

(Tyr stands there in utter shock looking at the damage she had done. Tyr screams as she tries to get the sword out of the coffin lid. The Hart Foundation runs to help her. They finally get the sword out and open the coffin...smoke comes up...but there is no Undertaker! Tyr stands there thanking God. The Phoenix, disgusted, turns away with the rest of the Rebirth and leaves...but before he does...he releases Seeress from the cage!)

Phoenix: Take the wench, rosebud...You are no longer my target...for now.

Seeress moves in and comforts a saddened Tyr. The Harts help them out of the arena. The fans applaud for her and give her reassuring words.