JR: Well, folks... it's just about that time! Up next... one of the feature matches of WrestleMania.... heck they're ALL feature matches... so that just goes to show you how big THIS match is...

Howard: Ross, spit it out. You're not making any sense!

JR: Well... up next... Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair!

Howard: Finally! I was begining to think there were no normal matches on this card! If you didn't know better, you'd think wrestling was a violent sport or something.

JR: Uh... Mr. Stern? It's a Career Ending Stretcher Match!

Howard: I take it back.

JR: Let's hear now from the Nature Boy, Ric Flair!


NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR:"WrestleMania 4! Bright lights, big cities, and the best of the World Wrestling Federation strutting their stuff in front of the entire world! But for me and the Macho Man, this event is different than it is for everybody else. Because tonight, one of us will take our last walk down that aisle, and be rolled back up on a stretcher when it's all said and done! Savage, tonight you take your final steps into the ring. I've beaten you physically already. I've beaten you mentally. And tonight, I put the final nail in your coffin as I end your career! Macho, bring all the pinup girls you want to ringside with you. It won't change the fact that I've got your WIFE, and you KNOW IT! Get ready, Macho, because your number is UP! And after tonight, Diesel . . . Giant. One of you had better polish up that WWF Title belt, because it's coming home to the Nature Boy! And whether you like it or you don't, you've GOT to learn to love it . . . cause it's the BEST THING GOIN' TODAY!! WHOOOOOOO!"

Nature Boy, Ric Flair
w/the Horsemen
Macho Man, Randy Savage
w/the Mega Powers

The Match:
2001: A Space Oddysey's theme begins to play! The lights dim... and then soundless fireworks blast overhead... until they pick up in tempo and noise! The music hits it's full stride... and the Nature Boy steps through the curtains with Woman on one arm... and Elizabeth on the other! Behind him, Bischoff leads out the rest of the Horsemen!

Flair walks slowly down to the ring and then ...WHOOOOS! to the fans! Flair fans stand up, holding up four fingers, or Horsemen merchandise. The music hits it's climax as the Nature Boy steps into the ring and the lovely ladies remove his expensive sequinned robe.

Then, the Rosemont Horizon goes absolutely DEAFENING!!! Pomp and Circumstance starts to play! Macho Man bursts through the entryway and the volume of the fans cheering seems to go up a few notches! The Mega Powers... all of them... come out behind Macho Man, watching his back, and cheering him forward! Savage removes his jacket... and heaves it into the fans! They dive for it! He removes his shades... and tosses them to the other side of the fans! More fans dive! Finally, he removes his hat... and heaves it far out into the audience... and a small child standing on his seat manages to catch it!

Savage points to the child and heads to the ring. He begins to head down the rest of the aisle when he and the Mega Powers are joined by another... DEION SANDERS!! He heads out and up the aisle and joins Savage. Deion wears his championship rings and a black Mega Powers T-shirt. On the front it says: MEGA really large white letters above an image of the Macho Man, who is pointing to the sky! On the back in white it says: POWERS, with an image of the Warrior press-slamming the Giant!

Savage shakes Sanders' hand and then turns to his friend THP to shake his hand. THP is wearing a similar t-shirt, but his is white with black lettering and shows Bret applying the Sharpshooter to Booker T. and the Road Warriors hitting the Doomsday Device on someone on the back. THP has added two tatoos to himself. On the left arm is a tattoo of some barbed-wire stretching around his arm. On the left is the silouhette of an eagle, filled with the American Flag. THP's hair seems to be growing a little longer.

Just then... running like a wild man up the aisle with a chair... IT'S DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!! He somehow manages to slip through the Mega Powers and WHACK Savage with a steel chair! In a heartbeat, the Mega Powers are upon him! Savage dives at DDP and gets a hit in on his face, then motions for them to take DDP out of there! Security rushes down the aisle and pulls DDP out. Savage seems okay. He glares up at Flair, who just shrugs back. Savage turns back to his friends.

Savage shakes his friends hand, looks over the Mega Powers and nods. He looks out to the fans, then steps into the ring, staring needles into the Nature Boy, who returns Savage's ferocity... WITH A WHOOOOO!!!!


Howard: I'll never understand that saying!

The Horsemen and Mega Powers begin to position themselves around ringside, wary of each other. The referee is ready to call for the bell... then a voice is heard over the P/A....